Eden Foods began in southern Michigan in the late 1960s amongst friends sourcing natural food. Youth motivated by study of a worldwide phenomenon stemming from macrobiotics; the centering of ones eating around whole grain and seasonal local plant foods that are not toxic chemical adulterated or nutrient depleted.
Excellent & Persistent
A principled natural food company. Unfortunately, organic food no longer has to be natural.
The finest food that can be procured and shared, from growers and handlers we know and trust.
Full transparency of source, growing, and handling
of food and ingredients.
Pure & Purifying great tasting food.
Bean cannery is British Retail Consortium (BRC) certified.
All Eden facilities receive AIB International’s highest food safety rating.
Passionate, and independently guided since 1968.
Natural foods were simply not available at the time, so an Eden Foods Co-op was started to acquire them. Initial $200 orders to Erewhon in Boston and Chico-san in California were well received and caused a local stir. This lead to co-op members traveling rural roads, knocking on doors, looking for farmers to grow food using organic methods.
The Eden co-op grew into a natural food store offering whole grains, beans, soyfoods, sea vegetables, miso, cereals, unrefined vegetable oils, seed and nut butters, and the like. It expanded adding a cafeteria, bakery, and books which became known as the Eden Deli. It was one of very few places in the U.S.A. where you could get natural, organic, macrobiotic food.
Folks came from near and far. Health food stores called asking to get the foods we were carrying. An EDEN brand began to take shape.
In 1972 Eden opened its first warehouse and established relations with artisan Japanese traditional food makers. Imports of sea vegetables, teas, miso, shoyu, umeboshi plums, kuzu root starch, rice vinegar, rice bran pickles, mirin, etc. followed. This solidified Eden as an important natural food source for the United States and Canada.