In 2018, brothers Michael and Paul Harney embarked on a mission: create an all-new, extraordinary fusion of fine tea and premium CBD. Fueled by their 30+ years of combined tea experience, they decided to do it from the roots up and worked with hemp farmers to plant 7000 hemp plants on the Harney & Sons headquarters in Millerton, NY forming their new sister company: The Hemp Division.
Every day brings something new to The Hemp Division. From first planting and tending to drying, extracting, packing, and bottling, every moment goes towards creating great results. The Hemp Division now boasts a lively selection of Tea + CBD blends for all occasions, from hot and iced brews to sparkling beverages. For those who prefer to enjoy THD’s high-quality CBD in other ways, there are also tinctures and bath sundries, all richly infused with their own hemp extractions.
The Hemp Division is committed to crafting the highest quality products, all From the Roots Up.
Drink up and find your own path.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a primary component of cannabis. It is one of more than 85 compounds unique to the plant and grouped under the umbrella term cannabinoids. CBD & THC are the most prominent cannabinoids found in cannabis. CBD does not cause the feeling of being ‘high’ that is often associated with cannabis. This high is caused by THC. Because CBD will not make you feel intoxicated, it is a great option for parents, workers, or anyone else who does not want to compromise their mental clarity.
Our body-relaxing, mood-elevating CBD infusions deliver a cool, calm & delicious experience like no other. We strive to make it all just a little nicer, in everything that we do. Natural, honest & potent products from The Hemp Division.
CBD is not “one size fits all”. Important factors to consider include the weight and body chemistry of the individual.* Experiment until you find your CBD sweet spot. Start with Focus (5 mg), a blend of yerba mate and yaupon. Refresh (8 mg), the next step up, is a delicious blend of cranberry, green tea & coconut. If you haven’t reached your desired results, Calm (10 mg), Rest (15 mg), Siesta (18 mg) or Cruise (25 mg) are sure to hit the spot. If you reach a point where you feel the serving is too strong, work your way back & evaluate how you feel.